1. To Log into the Content Management System (CMS).
    • a. Please navigate to https://myjotacms.com
    • b. Your username is your email address and your initial password is ‘Temp$1234’
    • c. Remember to enter the captcha on the login page or you will be redirected to fbi.gov
    • d. You will be forced to change your password after this initial login
    • e. If you forget your password or need it reset, let me know via email info@jackoftradeapps.com
  2. If you have more than one app, you can switch between your apps right from the CMS.
    • a. To switch between apps, please click on app name in the header bar, select another app from the pulldown menu, and press Update
    • b. You will see the app you are editing in the header bar
  3. Start with picking a color scheme for your app using the ‘App Appearance’ section of the CMS.
  4. Then, add at least 1 advertisement or station promotion using the ‘Ad Manager’. We recommend using at least 3. If you have more than 1 ad, you have the option to rotate your ads/promotions that will be viewed.
    • a. The optimal advertisement image size is 1290px wide by 650px height
  5. We then recommend going through each feature and begin adding content.
    • a. If you don’t have anything at the moment for a specific feature set it to disabled in the feature settings panel at the top of the respective page
  6. If you ever need some help understanding the different features, use the ‘Help ?’ button located near the top right corner. This will provide a tour and helpful information about each feature.
  7. We also want to hear all of your feedback. If you experience a bug or issue, please submit to our Message Center to make sure this information is in our system.